
Generational Family Shoots

Generational Shoots are a great happiness for me to shoot for my clients. It can be done either here at Melissa Montagliani Photography in the Studio or on location. Generational Shoots usually includes Grandparents, Parents and Children. And if you are lucky enough Great Grandparents.

I sadly missed the opportunity to do a generational shoot with my grandmother, my kids great grandmother. She was a woman whom I dearly loved and cherished. She was the inspiration for my daughter’s name.

I had planned in the back of my mind to do a generational shoot. It would have been my mum, my grandmother, myself and my children – 4 generations. Granny and the rest of my family live/lived in Sydney. So when my children were younger I used to go down and visit as often as I possibly could. Each and every time I would take my camera, plus some nice clothes with the intention of getting that photo…..And that would have been dozens of times. But each and every time there was some “reason” why I wouldn’t take the photo. Which I now look back on and think to myself that they were just ridiculous excuses.

My last opportunity was for her 88th birthday, we were all there to celebrate her. The camera was sitting in the car, I hadn’t even taken it out – I should have and is one of my biggest regrets! Because sadly that was her last one. I still get emotional about it now, because it didn’t matter if it wasn’t the perfect image, if we looked tired or the kids were grumpy. It would have been cherished regardless, and an image for my children to look back on when they are my age and say look that was my great grandmother!

This family live hours away from each other and took a rare opportunity together in Orange to do this shoot. I hope that they cherish these images as much as I loved being able to capture them.

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